
Collaborative & Innovative

1. Conducting of Regular Sunday Worships, Open Gospel Meetings and Training Classes to develop Spiritual discipline, Submissiveness to God,  Secularism, Biblical patriotism, Truth centered living among men and women.

2. Establishing and developing Old Age Home, Orphanage, Free Academic University & School, Superspeciality Hospital, Diagnostic Center, Living Accommodations, Grocery Mall etc for the Poor, Destitute, Neglected, Downtrodden and the Needy irrespective of their caste and creed.

3. Providing Free Medical Health Aid & Awareness programs for helping the Poor and Needy in India.

4. Church Fellowship Meals on Sunday Worships

5. Encouraging and developing congregations and Helping in Church Building constructions 

6. Conducting Awareness campaigns on Sanitation, Health, Law, Education, Morals 

7. Providing Free Legal Aid consultancy services for helping Poor and Needy in India.

8. Developing services of Church Prayer University for Spiritual Bible Education, God Glorification and Blessedness to Mankind.

9. Proclamation of Gospel through Online Broadcasting, Christian Song Albums, Printing of Literature

10. Conducting Seasonal Bible Seminars for developing co laborers, spiritual neighbourships, promoting theology education, career and family counseling in spreading the Gospel which is the knowledge of God and his teachings for developing prayerful lifestyle and social discipline for receiving Universal Intellectual Peace and Salvation to all mankind

Church Anniversary Meals

Church Worships


Open Gospel Meetings

Sunday Fellowship Meals